
pelvic health physical therapy in east texas

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

We are here to help you find lasting relief from those pesky pelvic health conditions you’ve probably been told are normal like urinary urgency, frequency, leakage, constipation, prolapse, and pain with sex. Hint: kegels aren’t the answer! 

Pregnancy & Postpartum Physical Therapy

We believe in partnering with you to ensure you have the ideal pregnancy and birth experience, and then support you in your postpartum journey back to your hobbies and passions. We believe pregnancy can feel great, you can plan & train for birth, and postpartum rehab is non-negotiable. 

Pediatric pelvic health treatment in east texas

Pediatric Pelvic Health

We believe all ages should have access to quality pelvic health. All three physical therapists are trained in pediatric pelvic floor physical therapy and are able to treat children. 

pessary fittings in east texas

Pessary Fittings 

What’s a pessary? A pessary is a support device that is sized and fitted for each patient and inserted vaginally – a sports bra for your vagina, if you will. They can be inserted and used as needed. It is used to help treat pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Pessaries are a great option for those looking to avoid surgery and need a little more support.

fertility treatment in east texas


Looking to optimize your fertility? We have a treat for you! We’re here to treat your lymphatic system, scar tissue in your abdomen, provide holistic recommendations to promote fertility, and increase the blood flow to your pelvic region. 

dry needling treatment in east texas

Dry Needling

Dry needling is the insertion of an acupuncture-like needle into soft tissue. Typically, the needle is inserted into the belly of the muscle, but can also be inserted into tendons or ligaments as well. Dry needling can be performed for any musculoskeletal pain, for scar tissue, period pain, nervous system upregulation, headaches/migraines, and many other things.