What are the primary functions of the pelvic floor?

But first, What is the pelvic floor? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and connective tissues located at the base of the pelvis. The pelvic floor has a lengthy list of functions that are vital to thrive. 

The main functions of the pelvic floor include: 

  1. Support 

The pelvic floor provides support to the organs located within the pelvic cavity such as the bladder, uterus, and rectum.

  1. Sphincteric control 

It helps control the opening and closing of the urethra (for urination) and anus (for BMs), aiding in maintaining continence.

  1. Sexual dysfunction 

The pelvic floor muscles are involved in sexual function, contributing to arousal and orgasm in both men and women.

  1. Core stability 

These muscles are part of the core muscle group, which helps stabilize the spine and pelvis, providing a foundation for overall body movement and posture.

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth 

During pregnancy, the pelvic floor supports the growing uterus. It also plays a role in childbirth and plays a key role in postpartum recovery.

  1. Circulation 

Proper contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles help facilitate blood and lymphatic circulation in the pelvic region.

  1. Breathing 

The pelvic floor works in coordination with the diaphragm to assist in proper breathing patterns.

  1. Posture 

The pelvic floor contributes to maintaining good posture by working with the other muscles in the core & lower back.

Clearly, the pelvic floor plays a crucial role in our health and wellbeing. It contributes to breathing, defecating, posture, sexual function, and pregnancy/postpartum recovery. Because of how much the pelvic floor is involved in, if things go awry, it affects quality of life greatly. 

If you’re struggling with urinary, bowel, or sexual dysfunction, musculoskeletal pain, or want to optimize your pregnancy/postpartum journey, I’d love to help you live your best life. To schedule an appointment click here, call 903-962-2600, or email hello@txpelvichealth.com to get back to living your best life.

To find out more about how pelvic PT can help with period related pain, call 903-962-2600, email hello@txpelvichealth.com, follow @thepowerfulpelvis on Instagram, or learn more at www.txpelvichealth.com


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