Texas Pelvic Health

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My Second Trimester of my First Pregnancy

Well, my second trimester flew by and I am now several weeks into the third trimester. I feel very fortunate and equally as thankful to be able to say it was as blissful as everyone assured me it would be.

My energy mostly came back and I’ve been able to be a lot more productive than I was in the first trimester, which is good for my enneagram 3 soul. My appetite also fortunately came back. I haven’t had any strange cravings though I’m really enjoying blueberry muffins right now. Haystacks has my current favorite blueberry muffin in Sulphur Springs — it’s the brown sugar topping with fresh blueberries inside are heavenly. 

I am so thankful my energy came back because we had a lot of celebrating to do the last few months. My sister and first cousin both got married, my brother in law graduated dental school, and my husband's grandma had her 90th birthday party among other celebrations. Exciting times!

I’m not sure exactly what point this happened but I have noticed that I’m eating significantly more than usual now. I’m not mad about it!

I started nesting pretty early in my pregnancy likely because I feel like I need to nest for a business and a home. Also, I’ve been worried about losing my energy again as I’ve been warned it will likely happen, so I’m trying to beat that. Fortunately, I have almost everything on my list done!

My sleep insomnia is my only annoying lingering symptom at this point, though it is much better. I have noticed it happens more often when I get too tired (the week after both weddings) or a long work day. So, I am trying to not overdo it and 

One of my favorite parts of my second trimester was building my pregnancy and birth dream team. 

  • OB: Dr. Heather Bellanger at Plano Women’s Healthcare 

  • PT: Dr. Bailey at Texas Pelvic Health ;)  currently seeing her weekly & I have started birth prep now. Yay for practicing what I preach!

  • Chiropractor: Dr. Noe at Beyond the Bump Chiro (my Rockwall office) 

  • Lymphatic trained OT - Martha at Wild Indigo Healing (also Rockwall) 

    • For swelling 

  • Mental health therapist: Mallory Oxidine at Aspen Haus Associates 

    • I’m determined to stay on top of my mental health during this exciting transition 

  • And I plan on seeing a lactation consultant in September 

Finding an exercise routine was hard during the first trimester, simply because of lack of energy but I feel like I found my routine again in the second trimester. I did CrossFit for a while until it got too hot for me and when that happened I started working out at home. I’ve been enjoying Peloton boot camps, 30 minute strength training sessions, and walking my dogs each morning before it gets too hot. Honestly, the morning walks with my dogs while I drink my coffee is such a highlight of my day each day. 

Overall, I feel like I am managing stress levels well and starting to feel really excited for my next season of life – motherhood. Especially because we got to see our little guy a little more up close and personal at the end of my second tri. Here’s his sweet picture from Masterpiece Ultrsound & Boutique!

And if you’re still here… thanks for following along!