Living well during and following breast cancer

Continuing the breast cancer awareness series this week— all about living well during and after breast cancer treatment. 

Women who are going through/are going through breast cancer treatment face many challenges both in the short term and long term, including decreased shoulder function, chemo related fatigue, lymphedema, scar pain, exercise intolerance, menopausal symptoms, and weight management to name a few. 

If you or a loved one are facing or in the midst of a breast cancer diagnosis, are three things I hope you takeaway from this article. 

The first is that evidence is very clear that movement is the closest thing we have to a magic bullet to combat most of the side effects from cancer treatment. It is important, though, to not overdo it and work with your medical team. 

Secondly, I would suggest a book— The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer: How to Feel Empowered and Take Control. 

And third, let me encourage you to work with a PT to create an individualized, comprehensive plan to prepare for treatment, combat the side effects, and live well following treatment. 

Physical therapy for breast cancer patients and survivors addresses all of the above symptoms, as well as longer term issues such as bone health and overall strength, mobility and wellness strategies including stress management and relaxation techniques. 

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the above listed symptoms, I would love to chat with you and create a comprehensive plan together to help you live well with and following breast cancer. 

To find out more, call 903-962-2600, follow @thepowerfulpelvis on Instagram, or learn more at

To request an appointment, click here.


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