Texas Pelvic Health

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Tips to help you number two with travel

Travel constipation is a real thing. Here’s the thing about your bowels, they love routine. And typically, nothing about travel is routine. 

So what can you do about it? Create as much routine as possible!

Here are some of my go-to’s with traveling: 

  • use a travel squatty potty or toilet paper rolls under your feet

  • Prioritize fiber with food — chia seeds are easy especially mamachia pouches. Oatmeal is another easy option and most hotels have it in the lobby 

  • Drink plenty of water (shoot for 60-80 ounces) 

  • Try an abdominal massage

  • Take magnesium citrate

  • Go, don’t hold. Ideally, you’re sitting on the toilet within 20 minutes of feeling an urge.

Again, bowels love routine so staying as close to your normal routine as possible helps tremendously with combating travel constipation.

For a more info, be sure to call 903-962-2600, or email hello@txpelvichealth.com, follow @thepowerfulpelvis on Instagram, or learn more at www.txpelvichealth.com

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