Texas Pelvic Health

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Minimum effective dose

What is a minimum effective dose and how can you apply it to your life? 

A minimum effective dose is the smallest dose that will produce the desired outcome. This is often applied to medicine, but can be applied to exercise as well. 

Spring is a busy season for most people. Sports ramp up again, extracurricular activities seem to multiply, wedding season is upon us; there’s just so much going on. It is easy for most of us to cut out our exercise routines because we don’t feel we have enough time for an hour long workout in the midst of all the extracurriculars. Enter the minimum effective dose. 

See, research shows that 10 minutes of exercise per day is beneficial for your health. Thus, 10 minutes of exercise is the minimal amount of movement you can get and still receive benefit from it. Keep this in mind when life amps up and your schedule feels squeezed— just ten minutes of movement feels less daunting, more doable, and yields benefit. 

Need ideas for 10 minutes of movement? Try tabata, go for a walk, or follow @thepowerfulpelvis for specific 10 minute workouts. 

For a more info, be sure to call 903-962-2600, or email hello@txpelvichealth.com, follow @thepowerfulpelvis on Instagram, or learn more at www.txpelvichealth.com

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