Texas Pelvic Health

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4 Tips To Avoid Holiday Constipation

Here’s the thing, your G.I. system loves routine. We all know the holiday season is anything but routine. There’s travel, dietary changes, the stress of finding the perfect gifts, and much more of a well. I truly believe the Christmas season is the most wonderful time of the year, the combo of the previously mentioned changes in routine create an environment for constipation. Increased constipation can lead to a whole host of other pelvic floor related symptoms such as pelvic pain, urinary urgency, hip pain, abdominal pain, bloating, and much more. So, in the spirit of giving, I’m here to gift you my four favorite tips to eliminate (pun intended) holiday constipation. 


First and foremost, your G.I. system loves water. Make sure you’re drinking an adequate amount of water (60 to 80 ounces unless you’re breast-feeding and then increased by 20). People have a tendency to decrease water intake this time of year due to temperatures not being as high and not sweating as much, however, it’s still super important. 


Tip number two to help you number two is invest in a squatty potty. Squatty potty’s elevate your feet, and when your feet are elevated and your hips are flexed. Your pelvic floor is in a more optimal position to have a bowel movement. If you’re traveling, a hotel trashcan or two rolls of stacked toilet paper under each foot will do. 


Tip number three is to increase your fiber intake. Most holiday parties and gatherings don’t necessarily have food high in fiber, so getting a good amount of fiber early in your day will help with your fiber intake. My favorite foods to recommend include avocados, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, and nuts. Smoothies are an easy way to get a lot of fiber in quickly.


And fourth and finally, magnesium citrate. This comes in several forms, including a powder to add to your water (Calm), capsules, and gummy’s. I recommend running this by your provider before consuming. If cleared my patients have the best success with taking this at night right before bed.


Even if you aren’t traveling this holiday season and your December isn’t exactly chaotic, these are solid practices to implement in your day-to-day life. 


If constipation is something you struggle with regularly, would love to help pelvic floor tension can create outlet constipation and can be addressed with Pelvic PT. To schedule an appointment call 903-962-2600 or email hello@txpelvichealth.com we’d love to help!